Friday, October 24, 2008

Are we just?

“Are we just?” – this question has passed through my neural network so many times in the last 10 years ( ever since I joined a medical school ). And the frequency of such thoughts has multiplied ever since I started practising radiology. I took radiology presuming I could help the patients in the maximum possible way with least harm to the patients (“primum non nocere”). I suppose I have been mostly doing that.

Radiology has established itself as an integral part of the patient care for medical as well as non medical reasons. Medical reasons are well known to the professional as well as the
educated patients. Main issues with diagnostic tests (imaging / non imaging) are the over referral and the issue of IC. Over referral is a tricky thing but that could be accepted as it is worth even if you pick a single tumor for hundred normal brain scans. Most unpardonable is the issue of IC. Primarily for the way the acronym is expanded (I don’t know what to call it – internal cuts / interpretation charges). For the uninitiated it’s the money that is given to the referring clinician by the diagnostic centers for the referral. I am amused how it is called interpretation charges because it is done by a radiologist and he does not get a single paisa of that( i am not jealous ,for sure). Remember the money comes from nowhere else other than the patient’s pockets whether it is deep or shallow.

Hold your breath- the worst one comes now – the commission/ brokerage/ bribe ( looking for cheaper words!) is not a single digit number. It hovers at and above 50%, nothing less. More the cut, more the referrals. Surprise, surprise some of the prominent consultants who looked and talked ethical were the worst offenders. There are doctors who are much dependent on this money to run their practice / lives as it generates a huge amount of unaccounted cash. The diagnostic centers are competing with each other in giving higher IC , to garner larger number of cases.

All this is happening with probably the public, media and the government in the know!
It’s been so surprising that none have had the gumption to challenge this practice which puts the already suffering people under higher stress.

I just wonder why all the fuss is made about ethics and service mindedness in medicine, when a large proportion of the fraternity indulge in this shameful act. Medicine is indeed no more a noble profession except for the smaller percentage of doctors who do not take “bribe” from their patients. They are the only saving grace.

. I am happy atleast that as a consultant radiologist I am not directly involved in this sinful giving or taking bribes, though I am a ineffectual witness to these proceedings. I pray God that this heartless fleecing act comes to an end sooner

Thursday, July 3, 2008


This one old crumpled piece of paper has been playing a huge role in one of the most important events life- marriage. It comes into play whether you are for or against the belief. The ones who try to believe they are rationalists and don't believe in them are more likely to be on the wrong side of thirties by the time they compromise. As you don't get the parents of your probable life partners,so rational. As it boils down to the life of their beloved kids , they don't want to do anything that does not go down well with the 'stars'.There are some instances where proposals are rejected because certain stars and planetary positions don't go down well with the prospective in laws.

And what they don't realize or mind is the fact that it narrows down the options most of the times to single digit. I feel its funny that you have to choose from the narrowed list that has been arrived at without the use of eyes / mind of the prospective life partners. It ceases to be a thing of the heart.You might like a girl and prefer her to be your partner but if the stars don't will it is not going to be accepted.

One thing that amuses me is that how they have decided marriages with matched horoscopes are better than the ones that occur without their involvement.I don't think there are any case control/cohort studies to prove /disprove that.And another interesting thing is the number of marriage that run into rough weather. Anyway whatever i feel i think i too have to use my horoscope that really narrows the scope for the search of your partner, as without it there seems to be no hope of marriage.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

oooh oil!!!

OIL ! I have just begun to appreciate the influence of this commodity on the world. Time has moved so much that from the state of man exploiting oil resources to the scenario where oil is controlling the lives of men. The recent hike of oil prices ( the last of many such) might become the proverbial last straw on the camel's( government) back. The opposition and the partners of the government(worser than the opposition themselves) are crying hoarse , inspite of knowing that the government has no choice. As the product touches everybody's life, either directly or otherwise , no one is going to be escape its brunt. Fuel price hike will translate into increase in cost of farm production and food transport, thereby eating into the budget of even low in come groups,who as such do not use oil directly. Do we have the power to alter the situation ? yeah i think in little ways.
Austerity at all levels will definitely help . Public transport is to be embraced by a lot more people who travel by own vehicles for their little supposed convenience. Government too has the duty to ensure proper adequate transport modes.Though a small step walking /cycling the short distances will go a long way in alleviating the strain on natural resources and reducing the carbon footprint.Pause for a moment !! Most of us are not going to leave a major positive contribution to the future generation(which researchers / scientists do). Hence let us all at least lessen our little fingerprints of destruction on the earth , as per the latin phrase Primum non nocere(one of the principal precepts in a medical school).
If everyone passes on the buck we will see many more wars for oil (we still have an endless war at hand) by the turn of the century if at all we survive that long. Act in your own ways to save earth and mankind...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

flying figh

my first experience of flying has been a definitely enjoyable experience. it kept me thinking all the way about the human thoughts that have given rise to such innovations. seeing an aeroplane taking off from outside has not made me think so much. moving 2000 km in about 2 1/2 hours just amazed me. to think that i was able to have my breakfast in chennai and be there for the lunch in delhi was something great. just think of the other option of moving by train, where u will need at least a day and a quarter before setting foot on the delhi soil. time saved by air travel is immense and the total absence of travel tiredness is undisputable. with not much of fare differnce between the low cost airline tickets and the high end train fares, its really a boon for someone who can afford. i definitely am happy to have had the chance to have travelled by air, as flying gave me a great high as well as made me appreciate the contribution made to the world by every innovator/inventor. thanks a lot Wright brothers!!! ( please accept this though it comes about a century later )